Friday, April 22, 2011


stupid fuckin authorities think they have this supreme over lord dictatorship over the public. well all i see is a bunch of yuppies in fancy black suits with suede shoes. they took Aidan away last week and gave him back to my psycho, belligerent, alcoholic parents. dumb fucks. i told them so many times. i showed them the scars i had from my parents.  they saw the anguish in his eyes when they told him he had to go back. but they took him anyway without even a slight amount of hesitation or remorse. ass holes. they knew my parents were going to hit him twice as hard as usual when he got home because he caused THEM trouble and made THEM go out of there way to look for him. but that of course would be an excessively long, tiresome job for the cops to  set up a case for us to have custody, and would cause them to be late for their stupid dinner or something, god for fucking bid. besides, they probably feel as if they did a good thing. like they deserve a pat on the back and a cookie because they worked hard for the day. well. while they eat their home cooked meal a 4 year old kid is getting battered in the kitchen with whatever object mom and dad could conveniently find...
perfect epitome of classic American laziness.


I will not be disrespectful to my teacher. i will not be disrespectful to my teacher. i will not be disrespectful to my teacher. i repeated this sentence 50 times on the board, my hands felt gross from the chalk. "teach." i called her from reading her book at her desk. "i finished your punishment or whatever. So uh. bye." i said getting my bag. "Dawn." she said looking up from her glasses, ya know, how teachers do when they try to take on the "I'm super smart and mature" look. she beckoned me to come to her desk with her finger. Dammit it was already 3:30. i wanted to get out of this dump. i sighed and rolled my eyes as i walked over to her desk. "and rolling your eyes is both immature and disrespectful." she said with her nose in the air. shes such a priss, I thought. she probably was a socs. "you have detention again tomorrow." she said. No frickin way. i had plans with Car to play poker at my buddy groovys house (and yes, I'm not kidding, the dudes name is groovy. parents were hardcore hippies.) I got pissed and i thought about telling the snotty bitch off. I'm not exactly mature and I'm sure as hell disrespectful, so what the hell, i thought. "No way man. I have a life outside this dungeon. i sure as hell am not spending another hour with your cranky ass writing on a chalk board about being disrespectful!" i left. i think i was the one who was being cranky. but eh. i had a hang over.

The real reason why i didn't want to come back to that dreaded place again  tomorrow was because i was supposed to meet up with chase.  I liked thinking about Chase. But one thing always bugged me whenever I did. Chase is so nice,smart and mature. just different from me i guess. Hes got more class and hes well rounded. I catch myself thinking, he could get any girl he wants, but he goes for the sassy bad girl. He literally reminds me of superman or something, minus the being from a different planet and the cape. hes kind of perfect, i wasn't used to it. i didn't get it. i never will. but its okay. I'm not really one to dwell on things. so it leaves my mind pretty quickly.

I walked in my house to see the oh-so wonderful sight of my little sister and ponyboy making out on my couch. "OH GET A ROOM." i yelled. "I'm leaving for groovys. bye." i said putting down my book bag. they were to busy sucking face to say anything so i just left. The walk was pretty short. groovys house is pretty close to mine. I conveniently came across Carson sitting on a bench eating cotton candy. "well howdy there partner. ready for some poker playin' fun?"  i said as i took the cotton candy bag and ate some. "psht. always." she said. "so. who's asses are we kickin' tonight?" i said, kicking a can  on the street as we made our way to groovys. "uhh. a few of groovys cousins, the two Avalon kids, Tim Sheppard, Bryon Douglas, Dal. that's all i know of." she said, lighting a menthol. "you said Tim and Bryon? like together playing poker? do they know there both going?" i said. Bryon and Tim have a long history of feuding. like the times when Bryon got in fights with curly, or when he cut off  all Angela's hair when he got her drunk enough to pass out. and then of course when Tim rounded up a bunch of people and had Bryon jumped because of it. them in the same room together could be dangerous. "nope i don't think they do." Carson said. "fantastic. bring on the drama" i said sarcastically. We walked in the house. groovy and his cousins, Tim, and the Avalon's were sitting at the big table in the living room. "hello ladies. care for a glass of shmoozch?" groovy said smiling. groovy was a lanky, tall, and some what nerdy 17 year old boy. he wore alot of Tye dye clothing and vintage band tees.  he had Carmel colored long shaggy hair that was always in his face, and he always wore sandals, even in the cold.  he was a complete dorky freak. but i loved the kid. "whats a schmoozch?" i said putting my sweater down on the chair. "pshh well its only the most awsome thing to ever touch your taste buds man!" he got up from the table to get me and Carson cups. i could only guess what that wacky kid conjured up. i was almost scared to try it. "take a gander at that." he said handing us the glasses. i looked at it. it was green. lime green. i shrugged and chugged it down. it tasted great. but it made me dizzy from the insane amounts of alcohol. "ya like? you might experience some hallucinations or brutally vicious regurgitation."
"wonderful." i said handing him the cup. "but that's what its all about! floating into a bizarre aberrational hallucination of ones true self man!" he said excitedly. "lay off the shmoozch kid. your talkin all weird and hippie like again." i said patting his head. we finally sat down to play some poker. I was happy Bryon hadn't shown up yet.  the night was going okay. just as i thought of this. the door bell just had to ring. i sighed. here we go, i thought. groovy was probably to high to realize he invited them both. I got up from my seat and went to the door and lo and behold, Dallas and Bryon are standing there. "hey baby." Bryon said, then kissing my cheek. he was always the biggest flirt. so i didn't even pay attention to it. "Tim Sheppard is here. case you didn't know." i said  whipping my cheek with my hand. him and Dallas just walked in, completely disregarding what i said. "hey look its my good pal Tim." Bryon said sarcastically. "what the fuck is this kid doin' here." Tim said angrily, getting up from his seat. "oh sit the fuck down, I'm not trying to fight here." Bryon said in response. everyone was standing ready to hold people back. "i am." Tim said getting in his face. "fine Tim. if your trying to get your ass beat." Bryon said smirking. "hows Angela? her hair grow back yet? hey tell her to stop by my place tonight around 12, it would be like good old times, she was always great in bed." And with that Tim threw the first punch. they were both pretty tough. this fight could end badly for either of them. Dallas, groovys cousins, and the Avalon kids tried breaking it up. but i just stood there because i didn't feel like getting accidentally punched in the face. Dallas finally pulled Bryon away enough to separate the fight. both Tim and Bryon's faces were nice and cut up. Bryon with a busted lip and Tim with a bloody nose. Dal brought Bryon outside and i stayed inside with Tim. i asked if he was okay, but i knew even if he wasn't he'd say he was. its a guy thing i guess. I went outside to see Dal and Bryon. they were smoking on the porch. typical. "hey, you come out to see me?" Bryon said smirking. "shut up. God your lip is reeaaallyy split." i said laughing a bit. "yea it'll look tough in the morning though." he said, then taking a long pull from his cigarette. I left with Bryon and Dal who talked about dumb guy stuff the hole time in the car, like hockey and how Bryon thinks he could have kicked Tim's ass if Dal didn't pull him away. I was to tired to add my input, tired and worried. i started to think about Aidan again. i hoped he was doing alright. Bryon dropped off Dal and i got in the front seat.  we drove to my house then just sat in the car and smoked. "whats distracting you?" He said directing his attention towards me. "nothin'." i said plainly. i didn't want to give him a big sob story. i didn't like talking to tough kids about that kind of stuff. he wouldn't want to hear about it anyway. "you miss that kid huh?" he said without much emotion. i guess he heard about it. "yea." i said avoiding eye contact, i didn't want him to see that i was upset. "go to the cops and try to get custody. don't let them just take him like that. if you want him back then get him back." I guess he was right. i could if i tried. even a foster home was better then that place. "hey what you doin tomorrow?" he said changing the subject. "i got a date with chase." i said. "how about after your date with chase you come over my house." he said smirking. God the kid could be helpful but he was still such an ass. "no you horny fuck." i said getting out of the car. "okay how bout the next day? ill have to check my schedule but I'm pretty sure I'm free." he said yelling out his car window, laughing. "goodbye Bryon" i said smirking. I decided the next day i would go to the cops to try and legally get aidan taken away from my parents.


  1. NOoooooo! I like little Aidan. I shall kidnap him again.

    Tim and Bryon? Fun shit. Oh, I miss Mark. And Dawnie, you sound more like Carson every day.

  2. lmao. doesnt the hole sheppard family?

  3. You wrote whole wrond DC. :3
    And though I wouldn't want anyone near my hair, you gotta admit Angel, it was pretty funny.

  4. "Chase is so nice,smart and mature. just different from me i guess. Hes got more class and hes well rounded."

    Do we know the same Chase??????

  5. lol xD. am i the only one who sees his perfectness? and i know kit my spelling is equivalent to a 4th graders.

  6. and yea..i didnt want to be a total ass and admit the whole angela- being -damn -near -bald -for- two- months thing was pretty friggin hysterical. looks like kit said it for me =D. Bryon and mark dont understand the importance of a womans hair. its our dignity man.

  7. It's flattering you see me as this "perfect" person, but believe me when I say--- no one is perfect. Me especially. So don't worry about that shit, you can be a sweet girl when you want, and that's okay with me.

    And Dim, you shut the fuck up!

  8. Kitty is that a bad thing that Dawn sounds like me D: I don't think she does :s

  9. Chase perfect? BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ok maybe not that mean, he's pretty special. if you know what i mean ;)

    And Carson, well the world can BARELY handle one Carson Randle and one Dawn Cade, let alone two Carson Radles.


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